Noticias, historias y datos sobre los beneficios de Pre-K de alta calidad vienen más rápido de lo que un niño de cuatro años puede pedalear un triciclo! Manténgase al día con lo último aquí.
Forsyth County’s registration window for free Pre-K programs for the 2025-2026 school year is now open.
The Pre-K Priority is demonstrating that investments in Pre-K educators and classrooms can have a major impact on kindergarten readiness and teacher retention.
February 1 marked the opening of Forsyth County’s Pre-K registration window for free, public Pre-K programs.
The Pre-K Priority is putting its $4 million in ARPA grant funds into action with the selection of 32 local Pre-K classrooms.
Applications from licensed, private/independent Pre-K providers are now being accepted to the model cohort of 30 Pre-K classrooms.
Includes timely information on local early childhood educator options through WS/FCS, Forsyth Technical Community College and Winston-Salem State University.
February 1 marked the opening of Forsyth County’s Pre-K registration window, and families with children who will be four years old by August 31, 2023 are encouraged to apply.
The Pre-K Priority received $350,000 in ARPA grant funds from the City of Winston-Salem to further support funding of a two-year project.
The Pre-K Priority will receive its first public funds in support of local Pre-K classrooms and educators.
Initiative wants to see children back in Pre-K classrooms after 30 percent drop in enrollment statewide due to COVID-19 pandemic.
It’s official, Forsyth County has an Early Education Task Force!Task Force members have been selected to represent an array of stakeholder sectors and demographics.
“If we are truly committed to a robust and vibrant community, we must ensure our children have access and opportunity to high-quality early learning experiences.”
Award-winning documentary available via free, virtual screening from Nov. 15-29
Community coalition aims for expanded access to Pre-K for all four-year-olds in Forsyth County.
Early childhood advocates, local leaders come together to support quality early childhood education for all children.