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Reports show the need for high-quality Pre-K here in Forsyth County and present us with a path forward:


Early Childhood Education is Everyone’s Business

While many factors help create businesses and economies that thrive, there is one particularly undervalued, critical cornerstone: quality early childhood education.

Early Childhood Education is Everyone’s Business (Summary)

Forsyth County is facing a child care trilemma reflecting three primary pain points for families and employers—availability, quality, and affordability.

2023-2024 Our First Priority ARPA Report

Learn about the progress and impact of ARPA-funded initiatives in early childhood education.

2021-2022 Early Childhood Education Task Force Report

Plans and recommendations for the implementation of a Pre-K system in Forsyth County.

and Findings

The state of Pre‑K in our community and how we can move the needle in Forsyth County.

Findings and

Understand the landscape of Pre‑K in our community and chart a path forward.

Understanding the Landscape of Pre-K in our Community Report

With the support of the Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust. Read the full report here.


Find out what residents of Forsyth County think about high-quality Pre‑K.

Position Paper:
Universal Pre-K Initiative

Read the rationale for providing high-quality Pre‑K for every child in Forsyth County.

Forsyth Futures Pre-K Feasibility Study Report

The perceptions, existing utilization, and interest in Pre‑K/preschool services in Forsyth County.

Pre-K Feasibility Study Summary Report

A summary of the key findings for the full Pre-K Feasibility Study report.

Pre-K Key Findings Presentation


Educational Equity in Forsyth County Through High-Quality Pre-K

Develop and adopt a formal community plan for establishing a high-quality Pre-K system.

Scientific Knowledge on Pre-K Effects

Evidence on the impact of state-funded pre-kindergarten programs.

Follow-Up Through Eighth Grade

Evaluating the impact on children’s outcomes as they progress through elementary and middle school.


Access to High-Quality Early Education and Racial Equity

How Black children experience unequal treatment contributing to inequalities in development.

The Evidence Base on Preschool Education

Research for inclusion in the important public discussion that is now occurring about preschool education.

Lifecycle Benefits of an Influential Early Childhood Program

A summary of key takeaways from Professor James Heckman’s latest research.

Can High-Quality Universal Pre-K Reduce Achievement Gaps?

Discover the effects of universal publicly funded Pre-Kindergarten program in the United States.