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Get Involved

There’s much to do. To make high-quality Pre‑K available for every four-year-old child in Forsyth County, we’ll need to improve quality in existing classrooms, create additional facilities, hire more teachers and help all teachers become more qualified, better compensate teachers, and establish an administrative structure to ensure uniform practices and positive outcomes in every corner of the County.

We know what needs to be done and how to do it. But to make this vision a reality, we need to call for support from elected officials, business and civic leaders, and people committed to the well-being of our community.

The time has come for Forsyth County to take this step on behalf of its youngest children. Because our future is currently four years old—and how it grows depends on us.


Spread the word within your circle of influence and through social media with the help of the Communications Toolkit which includes talking points, frequently asked questions, social media posts (post #PreKProud, #PreK4All), and more.

Talking Points

We encourage those who support high-quality Pre‑K for all four-year-olds in our community to talk with those in their spheres of influence about how important it is to invest early in our children’s future. Our talking points provide valuable information to share.

read TALKING POINTSDownload PDF of Talking Points

Frequently-Asked Questions

Have questions about the impact of high-quality Pre-K or about our work? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.

read FAQSDownload PDF of Frequently-Asked Questions

Social Media Posts & Images

One of the best ways to help us spread the word about the benefits of high-quality Pre-K, the path forward, engagement opportunities, and events is through social media. Check back frequently here and on Facebook and Instagram for new posts to share.

DOWNLOAD zip file

Pre-K Priority Logo & Guidelines

We encourage you to use our logo under the following guidelines.

DOWNLOAD zip file

Printed Pre-K Pledge

While you can take or share our pledge online, you can also print copies, take them to a gathering or event, and return them to Leslie Mullinix at The Pre-K Priority to be included in our database.


Declaration of Support

For organizations who wish to show their support for The Pre-K Priority, consider signing our Declaration of Support. Return signed forms to Leslie Mullinix to be included in our list of supporting organizations.

DOWNLOAD declaration

Sample Letter to an Elected Official

Consider writing your elected officials to let them know you support establishing a Community Early Childhood Education Task Force to develop both a near-term and long-term plan for increasing the availability of high-quality Pre-K programs in Forsyth County.

Download word doc

Sample Letter to the Editor

Whether your are an educator or a family member of a child, writing the Editor of your local newspaper is a great way to communicate your community the importance of increasing the availability of high-quality Pre-K programs in Forsyth County.

Download word doc